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Vibrato Duesenberg "Super Tremola" type Bigsby B5 Tele TDBSN

€116.10 Save 10%
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The new benchmark for classic tremolo systems  - The Duesenberg Diamond Deluxe Tremola.

The Diamond Deluxe gives you best tone while being lightweight. Heavy duty needle and nylon bearings will give you the famous buttery and highly responsive Duesenberg feel when using the tremolo arm. The arm can be turned freely for 360°, allows you to set your preferred angle and can be removed within seconds just in case you don't need it sometimes. The strings are simply guided through the holes in the bar underneath the arm-axis and can be lead to the tuners without any hassle.

The Diamond Deluxe has become a new standard for classic type tremolo systems and proves this on the stages of this world every day.

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