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1 Grover style chrome Tuning Pegs Right Side

€5.14 Save 10%
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1 Grover Style Generic Tuners Tuning Pegs Chrome Finish Left Side Left Side =Bass/Lower Tone strings: E-A-D) - Headstock Drilling 10mm

Ideal to replace a damaged mechanical 1 generic MECHANICAL Oil bath - "Grover" style for acoustic or electric guitars CHROME - Right SIDE

Side of assembly: when we look at the head of the guitar in front, the mechanics on the left of the head (Basses: mid-D) are "montage on the left" (Left Side) and the mechanics on the right (Aigues : sol-si mi) are "right side mounting". To complete / repair 3x3 mechanical game for Gibson® SG ES-33x and Les Paul® style guitars, acoustic (Dreadnough etc.) Diameter of holes in the guitar head (peghead) 10mm

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