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Mallory Mustar Capacitor 47nF .047uF 250V 10%

.047 MALLORY-1
€3.51 Save 10%
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Mallory Mustar Capacitor 47nF .047uF 250V 10%

Capacititor for Stratocaster / TelecasterThis is the famous Mallory® Mustard Cap. .047 caps are usually used with single coils where lots of brightness needs removinMallory Mustard Capacitor, Metallized Polyester Film, 0.047 uF; Tolerance 10%; Voltage 250 VDC, case length .65 in.

Product Details
.047 MALLORY-1

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Mallory Mustar (WD)
Mallory Mustar (WD)
Mallory Mustar (WD)
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United States
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