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Göldo LT1 Gold Tremolo - Licensed by Duesenberg

€101.99 Save 10%
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Licensed by Duesenberg - Mounted in place of a stop tailpiece. No drilling, no routing, simply screw into the two existing threaded bushings with the enclosed bolts. With round lever for optimum handling! Incl. metric and US screws.

Important: The distance between the tailpiece bolts must be exactly 81.5 mm (measured from centre to centre). Otherwise the Les Trem won't fit!

VIBRATO Goldo "LES TREM" TLT1G replace Stop Tailpiece for Guitars with StopTailpiece : LP, ES, SG etc. Gold Finish

his is a cheaper / simplest "Les Trem" by Goldo : No staggerd figures on top arm and scroll wheel (see picture 3), all others parts remain the same.

Goldo Tremolo guarantees the least amount of frictionand maintaining the highest tolerances for your guitar.

With our specially designed tailpiece and tremolo arm, your Guitar will stay in-tune and give you the sweetest tone with the fully adjustable tremolo arm.Goldo Les Trem Gold is a simplest version of TM85G

vibrato system for guitars with stop tail piece.Mounting to the stop tailpieces insert, no drilling or milling required,simply screw in the two existing threaded sleeves, new version withround handle for optimum handling, included 4 mounting screws 2 x metric 2 x inch, Gold finish.

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