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Fender® pre-wired Strat® pickguard, VINTAGE NOISELESS SSS White 11H


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Vintage Noiseless
Customize your tone with the Pre-Wired Stratocaster pickguards. Made with premium components in the same factory as our iconic guitars, this drop-in pickguard is easy to install. Simply remove your old guard, solder the output jack and ground wires, screw in the new guard and you’re ready to rock with pure Fender sound.


Vintage Noiseless Pickups
Polysol-coated magnet wire
Staggered hand-beveled pole pieces for smooth, balanced tone
Alnico 2 magnets create complex harmonics with warmer attack and less-aggressive midrange
Vintage single-coil Strat tone without the hum
Vinyl-coated output wire and plastic bobbin

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