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Fender® Vintage style strat bridge assembly Nickel 005-4619-000

€44.10 Save 10%
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Six saddle vintage-style bridge assembly with stamped steel saddles. Vintage 2-3/16" mounting spacing. Die-cast tremolo block design. Threading will accept standard 10/32 tremolo arm.

56mm E to E

Does not include mounting hardware, tremolo claw, tremolo springs or tremolo arm.

Will mount to USA Stratocaster® Body (Vintage Bridge) and Stratocaster Body (Vintage Bridge)

Used on John 5 HHH Tele®, Cyclone™, Deluxe Fat/Double Fat Strat®, Deluxe Powerhouse Strat®, Deluxe Player Strat®, Antigua Strat®, Pawn Shop™ Super-Sonic™, and Classic Series (Mexico) models manufactured '04-Present. Also fits Highway 1™ Models (US) manufactured before 2006. Will not retrofit to import model guitars.
Some modification may be necessary when mounting to instrument.

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