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Towner String Tension Bar II Steel

€43.19 Save 10%
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The TOWNER Down Tension Bar II helps to manage your string tension for low bridge heights and sustain, recommended for guitar models with trapeze tailpieces (NOT FOR USE WITH FLOATING BRIDGES).

For years, guitarists with trapeze setups have asked me to make a down tension bar to provide string tension because their bridge height and string setup have low action. The new TOWNER Down Tension Bar II provides the necessary tension to keep your strings in place. 

Mounted to the Tune-O-Matic bridge posts beneath 2 thumbwheels, SEE PHOTOS ABOVE in GALLERY. The reason for the 2 thumbwheels is to have one pair hold the DTB ii in place and the other two to manage the height of the bridge. Right now, I only have imperial threaded thumbwheels (Gibson is the only one who uses imperial threads).

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