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Les Paul LP Reduction Bridge Conversion Bushing 8 mm - 4 mm, Goldo

€10.88 Save 10%
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Conversion Post M4/M8
1 pair, nickel

Allows the installation of a vintage Tunomatic bridge in M8 bushings.

large insert 8 mm  (diametre du pas de vis #7,75) x 1.25mm.The aim of this converter is to make a modern guitar with 8mm bushings/studs (metric, european) compatible with a vintage bridge (4mm Studs), when it is not possible to insert directly the 4mm studs into the wood, that is generally better for the sound, or to adapt a Gibson Nashville type TuneOmatic Bridge (insert Thread M5 - 0.8) on a Japan or European Large Bushing  (Thread 8mm, screw diameter #7,75) x 1.25mm.

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