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TonePros - Gold Nashville Tune-O-Matic bridge + Tailpiece for Gibson LP SG


Tonepros. GOLD Tailpiece Nashville type, 6 independent Saddles + STANDARD Locking GOLD bridge for GIBSON® guitars Les Paul®, SG, style ...Replace Tune-O-Matic Bridge


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Locking Nashville style bridge with many improvements including intonation adjustment on the pickup side; Phillips head saddle adjustment screws, and pre-notched saddles for quick installation. Standard small post and standard threaded insert (same as TP6). Direct retrofit for most USA guitars without modification.

Standard style Locking Stop Bar Tailpiece. Fits most Tune-O-Matic Style guitars. The T1ZS features standard US threads that fit most USA guitars.

What makes TONEPROS not a replacement generic for LesPaul® but a real improvement to standard Gibson® systems?
It's the blockage.
On each bridge, side microphones, two small Allen screws allow to immobilize the room on its axes, in the chosen position. On each tailpiece, two small Allen screws lock the insert and make the tailpiece integral. Sets of inserts (inch or metric standard head or wide head unscrewable ...) allow to tighten the shoulder of a tailpiece or a tailpiece bridge (Badass type) to immobilize it and whatever the mark of the tailpiece, the bridge or the guitar.

TONEPROS increases sustain by anchoring much more powerful than give the bridge and tailpiece solidarity inserts, attached to the body of the guitar. Blocking increases the perfection of tuning by immobilizing both the bridge and the tailpiece. The guitar remains tuned regardless of the playing conditions due to the stability of the bridge.

TONEPROS preserves all your adjustments of accuracy and height of strings. Finally trestles, ropes that fit on their axes and that do not damage the varnish of the guitar by falling on a change of strings!

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