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US thread Solid shaft 250K linear Pot by Alpha

€1.71 Save 10%
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Potentiometer 250K linear Brass thread, Alpha CTS style


US diameter 9.5mm (3/8")

Length 11mm

6mm solid shaft, (not 6.35mm 1/4" like les US)

Very good quality, made in Korea by Alpha

"Choosing Your Potentiometer: Linear or Logarithmic?"

Linear and logarithmic potentiometers are two types of potentiometers used to adjust electrical resistance.

The linear potentiometer is designed so that the electrical resistance varies linearly with the position of the slider. This means that if the slider is moved 10% of its moving range, the electrical resistance will also change by 10%. Linear potentiometers are used in applications where the change in resistance must be proportional to the position of the slider, such as in volume controls.

The logarithmic potentiometer, on the other hand, is designed such that the electrical resistance varies logarithmically with the position of the slider. This means that if the slider is moved 10% of its moving range, the electrical resistance will vary non-linearly, following a logarithmic curve. Logarithmic potentiometers are used in applications where the change in resistance must be proportional to the effect perceived by the user, such as in tone or EQ controls. For example, the human ear perceives sound volume logarithmically, so logarithmic potentiometers are used to control volume more intuitively for the user.

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Alpha Audio
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