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Short Nickel Gibson 60s Tailpiece ES-335 Style

€19.41 Save 10%
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ES-335 Style Machined Mounting Bar, 1-7/8 string spacing. This tailpiece along with a few other types was used on many different model Gibson® guitars including the following models- L-50, L48, ES-125, ES-330, etc. Please make sure to check the specs to see if they match your instrument to verify it is the correct replacement.

Overall length of Tailpiece not including hinge= 3 1/8 inches
Side to Side width at bar= 3 9/32 inches
Width of string bar = 47/64 inches
String Spacing at Bar = 1 61/64 inches
Mounting Area of Hinge length = 1 1/2 inches
Mounting Area of Hinge Width - 2 inches
Mounting hole location bottom center = 11/32 inch from bottom edge
Two Mounting hole locations from side edges = 5/16 inches.
Two mounting hole locations Apart from each other = 1 25/64 inches
Upper side of hinge length = 1 1/8 inches
Upper side of Hinge width = 1 25/64 inches

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